Parent-Professional Conference
We understand that deciding on the best course of action for your child can be overwhelming. There are numerous options available, including various treatment and intervention modalities to choose from. At Barstow Acres Children’s Center, we partner with parents in the complex, and often challenging process, of nurturing their child to reach their full potential.
By holding regular parent-professional conferences, we endeavor to guide, educate, and support parents. We strive to build an effective partnership in the support of your child’s development, while providing you with a more detailed understanding of the philosophies, treatment, and approaches used by Barstow Acres Children’s Center. Our parent-professional conference is intended to provide parents with the skills, information, and resources to positively influence their child’s healing, growth, and development.
Parenting Classes
We offer parenting groups. It involves eight-week sessions for one hour, held at the same time as social skills or anger management group. Mandatory for parents whose children are in these groups. Parents whose children are not in the group may also attend. Created to conduct training and information to parents who are struggling with challenging behaviors of their children.
Talk to Us
We invite you to contact us at 410-414-9901 if you would like to be a part of our parent-professional conference.